Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So last night i saw "Soul Surfer" a great movie that told a story about Bethany Hamilton the pro surfer who lost her arm at a young age due to a shark bite. The story was-to say the least-remarkably inspirational. The bravery, the composure...but most of all the message.

Many times in our life we see bad things happen to good people. When this occurs, people are always quick to ask God, "Why me?!?" It is not something we understand at first because as Bethany did in the movie, we are looking to closely on matter at hand. We need to step back and take a broader perspective on the whole scheme of things. God chose Bethany to be a hope and inspiration for millions around the world. Her story spread and she quickly realized why God had put her through her ordeal.

Many times this happens in our lives. Whether we choose to realize that God does it for a reason, a good reason for hope as it stats in Jeremiah 29:11 is up to us to decide. But Gods primary focus in each of our lives is his relationship and love for us. He wants us to turn to him, not run, when bad happens, or we experience setbacks. Once we do, his inheritance is great. We are stronger in faith, and his grace falls like rain. God is great. He does what he does out of love for us. In fact, he gave his only begotten son so that whoever so believeth in him shall have eternal life and not parish. That is the magnitude of Gods love. And Bethany's story is on that illustrates what can happen once we accept his love.

Love is Kind,


Monday, August 8, 2011


In the Disney Classic, "The Lion King," we find an odd but yet inseparably compatible pair of friends who teach one of life's most important lessons: "Hakuna Matata." Now i know it was made for the film and they use it as an escape to when things go wrong. But as i have lived and experienced set backs in my everyday struggles i find that this saying with that of a Swahili origin can become much deeper. Maybe Timon and Pumba were right. We shouldn't worry.

Literally translated: "there are no worries" this saying goes much deeper than its simple background. In fact, it is something I live by. When something goes wrong, there is a reason that it happens. If you believe so, it always happens to make you a stronger yet, wiser human. In James 1:2 Paul writes: "consider it an opportunity for great joy when troubles come your way, because you know that God is testing your faith." God puts these speed bumps in out lives to make us stronger in faith. Think about the outcome when you keep moving through the situation you are in and you persevere and triumph over them. You are now a better and much stronger person and are now well prepared for any similar situation that may arrive. God prepares you for what is up ahead in the present day with the trials that he sends your way. So "if God is for you, what can be against you?" Romans 8:31

There is virtually no need to worry about the task, situation, or trial at hand if you trust that God has you in this for a reason. HAKUNA MATATA! The bible also tells us in Matthew not to worry about tomorrow till tomorrow for today already has enough troubles. Take it a day at a time. You've already won with God at your side. Besides, worrying will literally take years off your life span. There should be no need to worry with anything you get yourself into either. You must always focus on the victory at hand and the glory that God will gain in you triumph. To worry is to waste precious time.

Life is too short to spend it in thought of a worry state. Live it, but don't be a fool with it. And make sure along the way you are able to learn from each mistake and not make it a second time. That is how we become wise. Wisdom is applied knowledge and is an application to our life that can derive from the Hakuna Matata state of mind. With wisdom come the power to deflect any bad trial that comes our way with ease.

Look: there are somethings in the moments of our lives that will inevitably happen. There is nothing we can do about them. So why worry? Just focus on how you will get through it, execute, and learn. This will prepare us either for the next similar instance or teach us not to go into that same situation again. So the message of the day is: Don't worry. God has your back. Learn from your experience. = HAKUNA MATATA.

Your friend with a problem free philosiphy,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello there!

Wow! It is sad to say i have not kept up with this in almost two years. The only reason why i am back on is because i am following my cousin on her African adventures which is pretty cool and i think whoever reads this should check it out...http://angelica-southafrica.blogspot.com/. But here is a recap of  what has happened in my life since then. I "dropped" out of college in 2010 due to my GPA being below the required level for the hours that i had. I use the "quotation marks" because i am academic probation for a certain period of time. I was so scared to tell my parents that i didn't say anything until midway through the semester in march of 2010.

But when i told them; they gave a much different reaction then i expected. I thought my dad was going to disown me and shun me because of the great disappointment and shame i had brought to our family...but he continued to love me and even got me a pretty good job. I thought my mom would feel great hurt, and sadness through my faults...but she not only welcomed me back home; she told me that "Maybe God has a different plan for you Ryan." All this proved that the love my parents have for me is unconditional.

Its almost as to say i felt like the prdigal son in the bible. i had lost my way, got kicked off my path, and had nothing (spiritually)...but my parents welcomed me with open arms and i thank God for them.

Now that i was back i decided that i would just lay low for a while and get back on my feet. I needed to get in touch with the ambitious me and start doing work for God as i had always done in the past. I must admit through out my entire stay in Austin i maybe only went to church about 3 or 4 times. I did read the bible in the free time i  had but my relationship with God was not as strong as it has been due to my actions. I needed to do something about that.

To make a long story short, i cut back on the social life, focused on my relationship with God, and reacquainted myself with church. My home away from home; church became a place for me to spread my talents and help do God's works with my community and my family. I helped form committees, joined ministries and was asked to co-direct the next Men's A.C.T.S retreat...something i had always wanted to do. God is using me as an instrument of renewed faith and an enlightened path to do great works with my community and parish.

It was as if i had hit rock bottom and slowly began my rough climb back up. But the entire time, Jesus was right there next to me with an extended hand. And its no coincidence that i based my blog off of the book of Romans and the theme of my retreat is Romans 12:5 "so we though many, are one body in Christ"

I still have a long road ahead of me, it is only the beginning. But i will now stay focused on the will at hand and share my thoughts as the days go by on this blog. To those who read; thank you.

God Bless,
