Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So last night i saw "Soul Surfer" a great movie that told a story about Bethany Hamilton the pro surfer who lost her arm at a young age due to a shark bite. The story was-to say the least-remarkably inspirational. The bravery, the composure...but most of all the message.

Many times in our life we see bad things happen to good people. When this occurs, people are always quick to ask God, "Why me?!?" It is not something we understand at first because as Bethany did in the movie, we are looking to closely on matter at hand. We need to step back and take a broader perspective on the whole scheme of things. God chose Bethany to be a hope and inspiration for millions around the world. Her story spread and she quickly realized why God had put her through her ordeal.

Many times this happens in our lives. Whether we choose to realize that God does it for a reason, a good reason for hope as it stats in Jeremiah 29:11 is up to us to decide. But Gods primary focus in each of our lives is his relationship and love for us. He wants us to turn to him, not run, when bad happens, or we experience setbacks. Once we do, his inheritance is great. We are stronger in faith, and his grace falls like rain. God is great. He does what he does out of love for us. In fact, he gave his only begotten son so that whoever so believeth in him shall have eternal life and not parish. That is the magnitude of Gods love. And Bethany's story is on that illustrates what can happen once we accept his love.

Love is Kind,


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