Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello there!

Wow! It is sad to say i have not kept up with this in almost two years. The only reason why i am back on is because i am following my cousin on her African adventures which is pretty cool and i think whoever reads this should check it out... But here is a recap of  what has happened in my life since then. I "dropped" out of college in 2010 due to my GPA being below the required level for the hours that i had. I use the "quotation marks" because i am academic probation for a certain period of time. I was so scared to tell my parents that i didn't say anything until midway through the semester in march of 2010.

But when i told them; they gave a much different reaction then i expected. I thought my dad was going to disown me and shun me because of the great disappointment and shame i had brought to our family...but he continued to love me and even got me a pretty good job. I thought my mom would feel great hurt, and sadness through my faults...but she not only welcomed me back home; she told me that "Maybe God has a different plan for you Ryan." All this proved that the love my parents have for me is unconditional.

Its almost as to say i felt like the prdigal son in the bible. i had lost my way, got kicked off my path, and had nothing (spiritually)...but my parents welcomed me with open arms and i thank God for them.

Now that i was back i decided that i would just lay low for a while and get back on my feet. I needed to get in touch with the ambitious me and start doing work for God as i had always done in the past. I must admit through out my entire stay in Austin i maybe only went to church about 3 or 4 times. I did read the bible in the free time i  had but my relationship with God was not as strong as it has been due to my actions. I needed to do something about that.

To make a long story short, i cut back on the social life, focused on my relationship with God, and reacquainted myself with church. My home away from home; church became a place for me to spread my talents and help do God's works with my community and my family. I helped form committees, joined ministries and was asked to co-direct the next Men's A.C.T.S retreat...something i had always wanted to do. God is using me as an instrument of renewed faith and an enlightened path to do great works with my community and parish.

It was as if i had hit rock bottom and slowly began my rough climb back up. But the entire time, Jesus was right there next to me with an extended hand. And its no coincidence that i based my blog off of the book of Romans and the theme of my retreat is Romans 12:5 "so we though many, are one body in Christ"

I still have a long road ahead of me, it is only the beginning. But i will now stay focused on the will at hand and share my thoughts as the days go by on this blog. To those who read; thank you.

God Bless,


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