Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Blind Side!

On my blog you may often see movie reviews as I find film to be major in the voice of inspiration. This is my first movie review and although there are many others I would rather enjoy writing about, I can’t help but start with this one.
The “Blind Side” is the life story about current Ravens offensive tackle Michael Oher. Native to Memphis, Tennessee, Oher grew up in the projects of the area and was eventually taken in by now adoptive parents Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy. The movie may portray all the events that happened in Oher’s life to get him to the point where he is now but I believe there is more to it than meets the eye.

In fact, I feel that God puts messages in certain films to show us how great he can be and exactly what he does in our life that makes his presence known. From the beginning of the movie you already sense that God is present in this young man's life. From the generous man who introduces him to the coach of his soon-to-be Christian academy to the teachers who help Oher with his classroom struggles. But I think that most would agree that the selfless character Leigh Anne Tuohy is the most significant influence on this mans life. In an unhesitant manner, Leigh Anne takes Michael Oher in and provides for him what he never had: a bed, a room, clothes, food, and most of all...a family. As Oher becomes a member of the family it is not only his life that changes drastically, but it is more Leigh Anne's life that undergoes a construction of faith.

The movies shows us how God amazingly places people in our lives to simply guide our path. God placed Leigh Anne and her family in Michael's life to save him from what he was growing up in and help him to become the humble man he is today. But God also placed Michael Oher in Leigh Anne's life to show her how much of a driving force his love can be in a family's life. In the movie Leigh Anne thanks God for her new son and praises him for the blessings that she had been given.

The main idea here is that old cliche that God works in mysterious ways. He saves a young man by placing a loving family in his life to help guide his path of success. God places people in our lives everyday to do the same. It is up to us to recognize when and where God is doing this. We must keep our eyes, ears, and hearts open to allow God's influence into our life. For when we do this we allow God to work in our life for the general good of his purpose for us. So the next time you shake a new hand, help another soul, or greet a new face...don't take it for granted. Embrace the blessings that God blesses you with in the flesh. They may be the next step on your path to a fulfilled, successful, blessed life.

God is Great,


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