Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're Having Fish Tonight!!!!

My father told me a story of a woman associated with us at our church. She said that when she was little she was raised with many brothers and sisters in an extremely poor environment. But even though the family was poor they were rich in the love and spirit of God through the teachings and values of their grandparents.
So when they were small, she told us that the grandma would always come home and say something to the effect of, “We’re having fish tonight!!!” And the children would shout with excitement and cheer as they heard the good news. But the income was so low that the grandparents could not possibly afford a whole fish fry for the entire family. So what grandma would do was make refried beans and shape them to look like a fish. The innocent children would take delight and appreciation in the “creativity” and love of grandma’s cooking.

The love of God is the most powerful love there is. It forms a bond and a happiness that can’t be broken. And know that though we may not always be blessed in areas of finance or luxury, the love of the almighty God is what truly makes us rich. The love of God is what gives hope, brings joy, and gets us through the trying times and allows us to celebrate in the victorious time.

So allow God to dwell in your heart. Let him in and show the world what God can truly do through us. Let the love of God take over all situations and through him you will be able to get through the toughest times in life.

God is Love,


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