Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Being Legit

Being Legit: what is it?
In the book of Romans, in the Holy Bible, it explains to you how to live a Christian life. It equips you with all the tools you need to live right by God's will. In my opinion, the book of Romans provides the schematic for a faith based life under God's will. Being Legit refers to the same concept. Whether you believe in God or not, being legit means to try and live a good life no matter what. Legitimacy literally means to be in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards. It is up to you to choose who's or what standards you follow. I encourage you to follow a standard that a consensus of all peoples would find morally correct. I boldly declare to you right now that I myself have chosen God's standard. This is my life, I want to do right by God all the way through and praise his name in everything I do. My motive is to live right so that I may one day reach fulfillment of a full life at the end of the road. These are my thoughts on being legit.

But the purpose of my title is to inspire all who read my blogs to try and do right. I encourage you to be the person who helps push the car that is stuck in the middle of the road when it is stalled. Or try and be the person who gives a little change when they see the homeless person on the street. Or to just be the person who holds the door open for people, smiles all the time, and greets everyone with a positive attitude. I would like for you to be the positive influence in the world. If we could get everyone on track to live right, and always look at the bright side, we may lower the negativity in the world by a significant amount.

In closing, i want you to know that there is NO LIMIT to what you can accomplish. When you have a positive attitude and a legitimate outlook you can do anything that you set your mind to.

Happy Trails People!

Until next time,

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