Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God Will Provide!


So one time my parents came to Austin to pick up some stuff to take back home. We went to go eat and talked and then they brought me back to my dorm. So my lil bros and I got my stuff and went to put the stuff in the truck.

When i got back i asked my dad for some cash ($4) so I could do my laundry. He said he didn’t have any on him so i said "ok" and "its cool, ill see you Thursday" and walked off.

On the way to my dorm, my dad calls me and I head back to the truck...
My mom says she has a dollar and some quarters, and my dad found some money in the ash trey...When we amounted the money it came out to $3.50. 50 cents short right...well my bro says, "Oh...I have 50 cents..."
I thought...well then there are the $4 i need. I then say bye and walk away...

As I walked away, my dad rolls down his window and says, “You should have asked for $6 dollars...God would still have provided!"

The smile on my face stretched from ear to ear as a tear rolled down the side. The fact of the matter is that, dad was right...all you have to do is ask God and he will provide! No matter the size of what you need God will give you what you need and then some more just because he can. The key is to be a good and faithful servant to his will. All this in mind; keep the faith and know that God is in control.

I thought I just might share this with everyone to regenerate their spirits and faith in tough times and share some LUV!!!

God is Love,


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